The URGENT project is expected to have strong scientific, economic, and societal impacts.

URGENT will contribute to accelerate the deployment of urban geothermal projects through exploration workflows suited for these environments, market uptake analysis and reinforced community acceptance.

Reduction of the Levelised Cost of Energy

  • Reduce project lifecycle costs
  • Reduce drilling costs & exploration costs
  • Increase the lifetime of the plants & load factor and revenues

Improved exploration technologies increasing drilling success rates, performance and reliability

  • Improved reservoir characterisation through novel exploration technologies
  • Region, city, and citizen engagement for geothermal energy
  • Better access to geothermal resources in urban environments

Increased knowledge reducing the risk of seismicity and environmental impact

  • Detection and characterisation of faults in the subsurface
  • Identification of high-integrity physical rock properties (porosity, permeability).

Region, city, and citizen engagement for geothermal energy

  • Engage citizens, policy makers, cities & regions